
Sunday 3 January 2010

Chase Skating (Mark II)

We’ve still had absolutely no snow at home, so it was a bit of a surprise to find the Chase looking like a winter wonderland today. The snow was by no means deep (it would have been measured in millimetres, rather than inches), but it was unusually uniform.

The problem caused by the snow today was that it masked where there was ice underneath. It took a while for me to realise that the ice was everywhere. We did lots of skating and how we both managed to stay on our feet the whole time is beyond me.

Here are a few snaps:

A few moments away from the car, by Rifle Range Corner*



Such a glorious blue sky too!



This was a ridiculous walk purely for the camera; I don’t usually walk like that!



At the old disused Rifle Range (sounded like we had entered a war-zone a while later, mind, as we passed Shugborough Shooting Club)


There are always people at Stepping Stones and today there were hoards. They were queuing for the Stones. We simply splashed through.



Mick’s shadow with one head and three arms



Mick’s shadow with two arms and two heads



More stepping stones, but rather less popular. Because the stream is so small at this point, or because it’s further from a car park (or both)?



  1. Hi Gayle,Fabulous photos.Would love to join you & Mick on one of your Chase walks and can normally do Mondays or Tuesdays but not 19th Jan.Please let me know convenient date.My phone no if you wish to contact me is 01782642701,Cheers JEFF

  2. Not sure where the anonymous bit came from!!!!

  3. We've got feet of it and can't park off-road at the moment to get on our local hills.Nice pics.
