The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 21 - in Lone Pine

I'm sitting in a Laundromat, in the town of Lone Pine, having walked out over the Kearsarge Pass this morning to resupply for the next leg. We have a bed tonight. And a shower! We definitely need both - perhaps the latter rather more than the former!

I have got a backlog of posts written (is anyone even reading?!) but have no phone signal and they're refusing to post over wifi.

I'll post them when I can...


  1. I'm reading, honest gov'! Was only wondering the other day how you were getting on. Remember the secret I shared with you? Game on.
    Keep writing.

  2. I'm still here too.
    Sorry for the radio silence...

  3. I am reading. Great stuff. Keep it up!

  4. I'm still here,and it's still raining in Worcestershire!

  5. Wow! It's good to hear from you again - nearly a week since the last post- was beginning to wonder how to get the RAF's yellow bird out there to find you.

    Keep the posts coming.

    I have been signed off by the doc and the physio and can walk three miles or so in relative comfort, but still need more exercising to build muscle strength back.

    All the best.

  6. Im still reading and enjoying, keep it up.

    Its raining here in lancashire too!


  7. I'm reading, keep 'em coming!

    OM's 'no longer the office manager'

  8. Of course we are all reading!! And can't wait for the next update!!

  9. Definitely reading, been wondering if something had befallen you there out on the trail!

  10. Still here, still reading. Please keep posting.

  11. Never mind a bed or a shower get posting!

  12. Yep, plenty of us out here await the next post, any more bobcats for a start.
    Cheers J.P.

  13. You post it; I'll read it - what more vicarious hiking experience could I have!

  14. Hi Gayle
    Yes I'm reading and loving it, as usual. Kippers and oatcakes sound good enough to make me decloak for the first time as a show of solidarity.
    I have grasped the idea of what trail angels do, I'm just struggling with why...
    Best wishes for the weather from Australia
