The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Day 36 - The Forgotten Details

Last night's posting was typed quickly and whilst holding a conversation, which explains its brevity and disjointedness. It was only after I'd sent it that I remembered a detail that was definitely worthy of mention - another excellent B&B.

It was Monday afternoon when we arrived at Kinrara in Horwich End, were greeted by our host Jean and shown to our room. It was a room that caused an ooh - not for the room itself (although that was lovely) but because of the stunning views over Todbrook Reservoir and beyond.

It was a view that we could enjoy equally from the bed or from our balcony.

Things got even better when we found that the room was not en-suite. I view not en-suite as a good thing; it tends to mean that there's a bath, and this was no exception.

But before soaking away, tea and cake was on offer (very good cake too) and a comfy chair and Jean showed herself to be a very genial and attentive host.

Considering that all of our B&Bs have been chosen from the internet based purely on their location, I'd say that we've not done too badly so far at finding ourselves in some jolly nice places - and this was definitely one of them.
The other thing that I didn't mention yesterday was that for reasons unknown I ended the day with jolly sore feet. The good news is that they made a miraculous recovery overnight.

Mick's feet also suffered, although in his case the blame is most firmly being placed on his worn out shoes, which are somewhat lacking in midsole padding as well and having more than a few stitches missing.

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