The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Monday 3 November 2014

GT Day 7: The Bimble of the Bizarrely Buzzing Boob

Sunday 2 November 2014

During Saturday’s walk a decision was made by the Executive Committee (comprising solely the female members of the party) that it’s not wise to over-do things on a Sunday, and thus instead of taking another lengthy walk, we would just take a moderate bimble, with the main focus being lunch.

David kindly drove us all to our start point, from where we enjoyed the surroundings of the lovely forest (it’s an old, spacious forest, not a modern commercial plantation), before popping out (after a bit of an adventure around some farm buildings) in the grounds of Brodie Castle:


The blue skies lasted all day, even though the weatherman had foretold of rain

Away from the castle and past a sizeable pond, it was then but a hop and a skip to reach our eatery for lunch. It was a busy place; a good venue for people-watching, and the food was rather tasty too, not to mention so generously sized that I couldn’t fit in a cake for pudding.

Suitably fuelled, back out into the sunshine we went, taking a wiggly path through the castle grounds, which landed us at Rodney’s Stone, which was named in 1782, even though it dates back 1200 years.


A bit of tarmac saw us onto a grassy track, just a hundred metres or so away from which lay a trig point. Louise, being a bagger of trig points when the opportunity arises, had almost written off this one, as no access point presented itself through the intervening barbed wire fence. Then Mick noticed that there was a section without barbs, and he soon demonstrated that even those with a 30” inside leg could step over it quite easily. A couple of minutes over the stubble of a harvested crop field, and the trig was bagged.


No obvious exit point could be seen from the field, even from the vantage point of the trig (which wasn’t actually at the highest point of the field), but we headed in approximately the direction of our onwards route with the intention of following the boundary until an exit was found. As it went, the fence was about 2’ high at the point where we met it, and as an added bonus, as David waited for each of us to step over, his eagle eyes spotted a geocache. A trig point and a geocache bagged, all within a five minute period, and without any prior knowledge of the latter’s presence – this was turning into an unexpectedly productive end to our walk!

A tiny section of road put us back into the forest where the car was patiently waiting for us. A total of 5.7 miles were walked, with a couple of hundred feet of ascent.

As for the title of today’s post, I’m not sure whether I should explain it further than saying that ‘I have a bizarrely buzzing boob’ comprised the quote of the day, and that quote didn’t emanate from me! Something to do with carrying the GPS in the breast pocket, apparently…


  1. Munros, Marilyns, geocaches you're becoming a confirmed list ticker. It's time you owned up. I'm looking forward to the next post on this eclectic trip.

    1. I am a list ticker, but don't much care what list it's on, nor do I have any intentions of completing any of the lists! (And, actually, if it's not on any list but it looks nice, then that's fine too.)
