The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Thursday 21 January 2010

Index of LEJOG Posts

With our K2CW walk rushing towards us, it’s time to tidy up the Blog and make it less LEJOG-centred, whilst also making it easier for people who arrive here having Googled “LEJOG Walk” to find the LEJOG related stuff. So, set out below (so that they’re all in one place) are links to my LEJOG-related posts.

For those stumbling across this Blog for the first time, here’s a very brief intro:

On 15 April 2008, after a year of planning, my husband (Mick) and I set out from Land’s End to walk a 1252-mile route to John O’Groats. A bit of honing of the route saw the final distance reduce to 1240 miles, and we arrived in JOG exactly 12 weeks after setting out, on 7 July. During the walk I posted daily reports to the Blog, which can be found as a single document in the first link below. 

The entire LEJOG-blog in pdf format

LEJOG Route/Itinerary (Actual)

Cost of the LEJOG Trip

LEJOG Kit Review Part 1

LEJOG Kit Review Part 2

Final Pack Weight

Average Distances

The LEJOG Awards

LEJOG Reflections: Route and Bouncy Shoes

Just for Fun: The LEJOG Songs

Pocketmail as a Mobile Blogging Device

Packing List for Gayle (note: this was the first-draft packing list, it did get modified)

More Kit List Considerations

Packing List for Mick

Dehydrated Meals

Hair Today…

…Gone Tomorrow

Shoes for LEJOG (Part 1)

Shoes for LEJOG (Part 2)

Shoes for LEJOG (Part 3)

7-days-till-departure Random Thoughts

8-days-till-departure Random Thoughts

13-days-till-departure Preparation Report

36-days-till-departure Preparation Report

51-days-till-departure Preparation Report

66-days-till-departure Preparation Report

76-days-till-departure Preparation Report

LEJOG: The Big Picture

LEJOG Planning (Part 2.1)

LEJOG Planning (Part 2.2)

LEJOG Planning: From Falkirk North



  1. That is an amazing list of work you have done to share about the LEJOG. Any one seeking to do one can read that and learn a lot.

  2. I was really surprised, when I started putting the list together, to find out quite how much I had written on the subject at the time. I've been somewhat lacking on the K2CW planning (but then I haven't noticed anyone Googling 'K2CW walk'!).

  3. Hi, the link to the PDF is broken!

  4. Martin - I'm really sorry for ignoring you! It wasn't intentional. It looks like I haven't been into Blogger for months and thus didn't see your comment there awaiting moderation.

    The link seems to be working for me. I'm not sure whether it was a temporary blip that stopped it working.

    If anyone else has a problem then drop me a line at thegateposts at gmail dot com and I'll see what I can do to sort it out.
