The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Just One Little Graph



  1. I'm not very good at graphs - thought that was 2014 miles in 1899, and not sure if 279 was BC or AD.

    1. Hmmm, I really should put some axis labels, should't I?

  2. Two and a half months before the new year - My guess for 2014 is........2025miles?..fred

  3. This just makes me feel very inferior :-(

    1. Sorry! Perhaps concentrate on 2009 and 2013?

    2. Hi again Gayle

      How do you decide which trips to include in your mileage and which to exclude?

    3. If I go out specifically for a walk, then it gets included in the stats. It doesn't matter whether I'm taking a turn around local paths that I've walked umpteen times before, whether I'm trogging up a new hill, or whether I'm backpacking from one end of the country to the other - all of those miles get counted.

      'Incidental walking' doesn't get recorded. So, if I nip to the shop, or am running errands around town, or am out sightseeing then it doesn't go onto the spreadsheet.

      The only blurring of the lines is that I do count a trip to the shops when those shops are 6 miles away and I've killed two birds with one stone by walking there either cross-country or canalside.

      Now I think about it, in the early years of my records, my criterion was that a walk had to be over 5 miles (or maybe it was 4?) to go onto the spreadsheet. Latterly I decided that if I'd made the effort to change into walking trousers and shoes and get myself out the door with the specific intention of going for a walk then the the outing should count, even if it's a shortie.

  4. fourier transform analysis forecasts that 2015 will see you break the 2000 mile mark but slump miserably in 2016 to less than 1000 - exhausting even to think about it.
    The E2 or St Jacques long enough?

    1. I've got my sights set on 2000 miles for this year. I was thinking of having a lazier year next year!
