The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Wednesday 23 May 2012

TGOC Day 13 - Leachie Hill to Stonehaven

Wednesday 23 May (0730-1045)
Distance: 9.5 miles
Weather: wall to wall sunshine (and hot enough to be wandering around in a t-shirt and pants at 6am!)

It was a very warm night again with a bit of a disturbance at 2am. I woke to hear what I first thought was a deer grazing just to the side of the tent. Sitting up to peer outside disturbed Mick and he could clearly hear it too.

We thought that unzipping the mesh to stick a head out would scare it away, yet the noise continued and there was no deer to be seen - or any other animal for that matter.

We lay back down, but on went the noise and I became convinced that it must be a rodent chewing at my bag. Door unzipped again, my bag was inspected, with no hint of any chewing. But on went the noise.

We did eventually find the source and you really wouldn't have thought that a family of big black beetles (Beetles Of Unusual Size, I'd say) could make so much noise!

With a few more hours of kip had, up we sprang for our final walk in to Stonehaven. It wasn't just a matter of dropping down the hill to the road, as I had opted to take us along the edge of the forest for a while first to avoid too much tarmac.

A bit of a heather bash saw us onto easier terrain and even with a couple of tricky fence crossings it was a pleasant walk, keeping us up high enough to enjoy the hazy views.

Finally we did have to drop down to the road for the final walk in.

I can't say that we saw an awful lot of Stonehaven, although we liked what we did see. Having made a bee-line for the sea and taken the obligatory finish photos (pity we forgot to take any start photos!), we thought we'd find out the bus times to Montrose, and having arrived at the bus stop at the same time as the fast bus to Montrose, on we got.

So, a third TGOC complete and we've had such a good time. I might just write a separate post about our reflections on the trip.

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  1. Congratulations! Sorry to have missed you this year....

  2. Well done you two. Glad the Scots gave you some nice weather. (T9 text suggested Pants instead of Scots!). K2B done in 12hr 39 - pleased with that with a chest infection and no training. Now in W. Australia on business!

  3. Well done the pair of you.

  4. Well done you two :-)

  5. Excellent! So, where's the fourth starting from?!
    Brilliant to see you again and looking forward to your next adventure.

  6. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Mike - you get about a bit, don't you?! Well done on the K2B - how many is that now?

    Louise - My thoughts at this stage are either Acharacle or Torridon - but I thought the same about this year's route until I started plotting it. Actually, I did mention Mallaig as a possibility too, but that one's more complicated by the fact that Mick & I might have to do a different route for the first couple of days as I won't do the ferry ride!

  7. Hmm, I'm having difficulty with a start point too. I had thought Ardrishaig, but having looked at the map, this is unlikely. Plockton? Not convinced. Toying with Glenelg, but...

    Too much choice!!!

  8. Hi Gayle. That's 7 now. The reward for 7 finishes is a personalised china tankard, so it was a nice surprise to be presented with that at the end of the walk. Steve W also got his this year. The next milestone is 20 finishes!!!
