The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Saturday 19 May 2012

TGOC Day 8 - Derry Lodge to Mar Lodge

Friday 18 May (0940-1100)
Distance: 4.25 miles
Weather: early light snow had turned to light rain by the time we set out

Even though we spent so little time walking yesterday, I somehow didn't find the time to write a blog post at any time during the afternoon. But, it probably goes without saying that, with only just over 4 miles walked, yesterday wasn't about the walking.

Having arrived at Mar Lodge we installed ourselves in front of the fire where we stayed for the next ten hours, leaving only to put up the tent during a late-afternoon break between showers, and to have our evening meal, which was served in the kitchen.

There were only 8 of us booked in to camp and for the meal, which soon swelled to ten as two more early arrivals snapped up the last two remaining spaces at the table. It was to be a small affair compared to the normal Friday night at Mar Lodge as, with no inside accommodation being available this year, most people opted to push straight on to Braemar.

Many stopped by for a cup of tea and to dry out a while by the fire, so much chatting was done as the day went on. I appointed myself fire-monitor, and as the Housekeeper (Jane) became run off her feet when the hoards started arriving, Mick made himself useful as tea-monitor.

Amongst the many topics of conversation, the weather cropped up a lot. From all reports it seems that, once again, we have been incredibly lucky. Almost all reports suggest that we've experienced far better weather than most. Strong head-winds and continuous heavy rain have been the norm for many as they've battled on through. Fingers crossed that our localised luck continues.

After a very sociable day and evening, everyone gradually drifted away to their sleeping quarters as the 10pm curfew approached. Twelve tents were pitched behind the ballroom, and more opted to sleep inside the ballroom - their slumber being watched by the hundreds (a thousand, even?) of deer skulls that adorn the walls and roof timbers.

Now it's time for me to get out of my sleeping bag, and prepare for today's monster walk of (wait for it...) five miles into Braemar.

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

1 comment:

  1. 2435 red deer skulls to be exact.

    Keep up the good work and the good weather !

