The Road goes ever on and on; Down from the door where it began;
Now far ahead the Road has gone; And I must follow, if I can;
Pursuing it with eager feet; Until it joins some larger way;
Where many paths and errands met; And whither then? I cannot say.

[JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings]

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Day 12 - Tarfside to North Water Bridge

Twenty five or so tents were pitched on the field at Tarfside last night, but by 7.30 this morning that number was already reducing as people made their way to one of the breakfast establishments or to start their day.

By just gone 7.30 we were away too, retracing our steps a short way to the other side of the river North Esk from where we followed paths and tracks alongside the river the whole 12 miles into Edzell.

Arriving dripping (heavy showers once again today) at the tea room we joined 3 other Challengers who were already inside and set about consuming quantities of food and tea. More Challengers (increasingly soggy ones) came in until the place was full and it became only proper that we give up our table to some new arrivals.

Edzell marked the point where our route becomes a road-walk to the coast so the final five miles of the day were fast but unremarkable.

We were the second tent to pitch at the campsite but it wasn't long before many more arrived (all pitching on top of us and one another despite the big area available).

The showery weather is continuing, so having done laundry and taken a blissful hot shower we're now unsociably zipped up in the tent.

The end is now in sight. Tomorrow morning we will set out for the final 9 miles along little roads to the sea at St Cyrus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a speedy crossing. Well done to you both.
